Meet Our Team

Who We Are

Learn a little about us and why we got involved with Friends for Life. Maybe you’ll be inspired to join us….

President, Julie McAfee, Los Altos

“I view seniors with this sense of admiration and respect,” says Julie. “They know so much and have given so much. Volunteering with Friends for Life is a way for me to give a little back.”

Entertainment Coordinator Rhonda, Mountain View

“I joined the team when asked by a friend,” says Rhonda. “When she told me the names of others on the team, I thought, ‘I will enjoy working with these people to accomplish something worthwhile.’

“I have been able to exercise and improve my skills while having fun.”

Recording Secretary, Pam Holt Sunnyvale

“I enjoy serving the residents. It’s fun to connect with them at each event,” says Pam, whose late mother-in-law, Carol, volunteered with FFL. “It’s a way of remembering her.”

Donations Coordinator, Joanne Lewis, Los Gatos

“The FFL mission is to support the residents and provide them with activities. I enjoy being able to provide the residents with fun experiences,” says Joanne, who was invited to  join FFL by a friend.

Treasurer, Ralph Babcock, Sunnyvale

“I like to help and finance is an area of interest,” says Ralph, who became treasurer in 2021. “Plus, I am working with very nice people.” 

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Volunteer Coordinator, Dorothy Wang, Los Altos

“I feel fortunate to know everyone on this team after my mom moved into Life’s Garden about a year ago,” said Dorothy.

“As the newest member of the team, I love working with everyone and have personally learned a lot.  I admire all the work this team has done for the residents, and I am proud of being a part of this team.”   

Publicity Director, Diane Andrews Santa Clara

“I can help publicize our events at Life’s Garden and post information about FFL from anywhere,” says Diane, a frequent traveler. “I wanted to volunteer for a community service organization that originated as an outreach of my church.”

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Event Decorations, Brenda, Cupertino

Event Decorations, Pat, Sunnyvale

“The table decorations make it look so nice. They add to the ambiance, make it look like a party,” says Pat, who joined the Event Decorations team in Feb. 2020. “I enjoy working with Brenda.”

“It was fun to see how happy the residents were playing bingo and getting to win.”

Refreshment Coordinator, Lisa McManis - Read About

Food Coordinator, Lisa, Sunnyvale

L to R, Lynne, Pat & Lisa, testing Lisa's homemade apple crisp

Events Volunteer, Lynne Page Sunnyvale

“I love spending time with the residents and seeing their eyes light up and their smiles when we help them,” says Lynne. “They’re always so surprised and pleased that we’re helping.

“I called and asked to help.”

Our tap-dancing & singing Norwegian Santa Claus is a long-time volunteer with Friends for Life.

Life's Garden Resident Representative Ellie Eick Sunnyvale

“If you’re willing to volunteer, everything comes your way,” said Ellie Eick, a resident of Life’s Garden since August 2014 and a dedicated volunteer, helping her fellow residents—and herself—to thrive.

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Life's Garden Resident Representative Kenny Chen Sunnyvale

Just after word came in June 2022 that two people at Life’s Garden tested positive for COVID, the June gift from Friends for Life (a hands-free water bottler carrier) was delivered to the the seniors.

“Residents who got the gift first, happily called to tell their friends,” says Kenny. “This gift carries the care and greetings of Friends for Life, like a ray of sunshine through the dark cloud, making the residents feel warm in their hearts.

“Sunny days are sure to come. Thank you all, Friends for Life!”

Nina Tan, Life's Garden Resident Activities Director

“My goal is to keep residents healthy, happy and active,” says Nina Tan, Life’s Garden Resident Activities Director since 2014.

“Friends for Life is extra entertainment. It’s another way to give human contact so people can interact and share life experiences with each other. There is so much benefit.”