Friends for Life sponsors an onsite social event about every other month for the approximately 250 seniors living at Life’s Garden apartment complex in Sunnyvale, CA.
We’ve had pizza parties, bingo nights, summer ice cream socials and December holiday teas, always with refreshments and entertainment.
During COVID, instead of parties, we created themed gift bags for delivery to each resident at their apartment. For example, a bag filled with home office supplies; a live, potted succulent plant; and a Friends for Life logo mug with a hot chocolate packet. Each bag included an encouraging note to let the seniors know we care about them.
The good news is that Life’s Garden is once again open to onsite events. Let’s party!
March Pizza Parties
Visit the Contact page if you have questions about helping out at the next March Pizza Party, or another event. We always need Chinese/English speakers to communicate with residents who have limited English. We serve Russian-speaking seniors, too!

Fall Bingo Nights
Everyone is a winner at our October Bingo Nights. Keyla calls the numbers in English and Dorothy translates into Chinese. Bingo card winners randomly select envelopes with cash inside–$2, $5 or $10.
Between bingo games, our volunteer team serves dessert. Before saying “Goodnight,” everyone receives a Scratcher lottery ticket for a last chance to be lucky. Bingo is a favorite FFL event for residents.
Keyla calls the numbers in English and Dorothy (or another Chinese speaker) translates for residents whose first language is Chinese.

Past Events

“We love bingo. We love the pizza party. We love the ice cream social. We love the Friends for Life parties period,” says (L to R) Esther, Naomi, Corinne, Barbara & Avis on a Bingo Night. “We like to party!”