
  • Read our stories, love letters & words of encouragement to seniors at Life’s Garden

July 2020 – Door-to-Door Ice Cream Social

Life’s Garden Residents,

We look forward to the day when social distancing is only a memory and we can join together again in person. We continue to pray for your good health and patience during this challenging time in our world.

Every summer for the past 40 years, Friends for Life has hosted an Ice Cream Social at Life’s Garden. The coronavirus has required that we change our plans, but know you are not forgotten in our hearts and minds. Although we cannot gather as a group, we still want to brighten your day with some ice cream. We hope you enjoy every yummy bite!

Julie McAfee, Leadership Team President

April 2020 – Friends for Life Cheer Bag

Oh, how I wish we could host our spring Friends for Life event! The day will come again when we can gather together — and what a joyous time that will be. In the meantime, please know your Friends for Life family is thinking of you and praying for your wellbeing.

In lieu of the social event we had planned for you in May, we have put together this care package. We hope it will bring a smile to your face and joy to your heart, giving you encouragement during this period of social distancing.

I am praying for each of you. Praying for your health, both physical and mental. Praying for your patience during “shelter in place.” And praying you will hold fast to God’s love and peace in spite of the scary news and disruption to your normal routines. Be kind to yourself and be kind to your neighbor. We are all in this together.

With love, Julie McAfee
President of Friends for Life

“If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that
we belong to each other.” –Mother Teresa

来⾃“⼈⽣朋友命之友”的礼包 啊,我多么希望能举办春季的“⼈⽣朋友 ”活动。这⼀天必会再次来临,当我们终 能再聚⼀ 起时,那将是多么快乐的时光 !我想让你们知道,“⼈⽣朋友”⼤家庭 正在想念着您,并在 为您的幸福祈祷。 为弥补我们五⽉份活动⽆法举⾏的遗憾 ,我们特为您送上这个礼包。我们希望礼包能让您露 出笑脸,让您 的⼼⾥洋溢着欢乐,在这段⽆法聚会的⽇⼦⾥给您带来⿎励。 在此,我为你们每个⼈祈祷,敬祝⼤家⾝⼼健康,祝您耐⼼度过“ 就地避难”时间。尽管可 能有令⼈难过的消息,尽管您正常的⽣活 习惯被打乱,我祈祷您将坚守上帝的爱与和平,对 ⾃⼰好,对邻居 好。让我们荣辱与共,⼀起度过难关。 我爱你们, “⼈⽣朋友”主席 朱莉·迈克菲 “如果我们没有和平,那是因为我们忘记了我们属于彼此。” –特蕾 莎修女


FFL volunteers sewed about 350 masks for seniors at Life's Garden and elsewhere.

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