Ellie Eick’s Story

Life's Garden Resident Representative

“If you’re willing to volunteer, everything comes your way,” said Ellie Eick, a resident of Life’s Garden since August 2014 and a dedicated volunteer, helping her fellow residents—and herself—to thrive.

When Ellie moved into Life’s Garden in Sunnyvale, she was unsure whether a senior residence would suit her.

“I was fearful. I didn’t know if I would like apartment living exclusively with seniors,” said Ellie. “I remember thinking, ‘If you don’t get out of this apartment and do something, you’re going to get depressed.’”

So she opened her apartment door and volunteered. She signed up immediately to be on the Life’s Garden Resident Council and has been its president since about 2016. In pre-pandemic times, the Council planned year-round parties.

One of her responsibilities is monitoring the 15 courtyard and patio garden boxes of flowers, herbs and vegetables that are cultivated by individual residents for their personal use.

Ellie started a knitting club that has about ten regular participants. They donate everything they knit: baby hats for newborns and hats and lap blankets for chemotherapy patients at El Camino Hospital; small pet throws for the Humane Society; and slippers for the homeless, distributed by Sunnyvale Community Services.

Ellie is the spring chicken in a weekly bridge group that includes three in their nineties.

“People in their 90s are fully functional here at Life’s Garden. I see them play bridge hands and wish I was that good,” said Ellie, who has two sons and four grandchildren.

Ellie has served since 2018 on the Friends for Life Leadership Team as a LG Resident Council liaison.

“I feel younger than I felt when I moved in here,” said Ellie, a native of Detroit, MI. “I’m so busy, and busyness is what keeps me going.”

Ellie is proud of what everybody at Life’s Garden has done to stay safe during Covid-19.

“Everybody here adheres to the rules, wearing masks, staying isolated. It’s amazing how quickly our community supported measures for safety. There’s a real sense of community to protect ourselves and others. I feel totally comfortable and safe here.”